Know What Customer Data Platform Is
CDP (Customer Data Platform)
CDP is powered by a genie.
It lets you collect and unify your data across systems (try to get the data from multiple streams).
Then it creates a unified profile of your customer from that data
After that it activates customer experience touchpoints to empower the delivery of a personalized experience -all built on salesforce.
CDP helps marketers and businesses combine customer data from different sources in one place so you will get a much more comprehensive view.
What does the Salesforce customer Data platform do?
It brings the data from multiple sources.[using inbuilt data connectors]
Next, It is ingesting the data either using batch ingestion technique or stream ingestion technique.
Then by the incoming data we are getting it is easy to implement and customize the data model.
After that CDP activates the data using triggered moments and real-time moments.
Triggered moments:- For example my birthday is today then cdp automatically triggers the offer to me like for your birthday special you are getting 50% off on clothes.
Real-time Moments:- It is the combination of behavioral analytics and automated marketing to provide customers with the right offer at the right time based on specific customer behaviors.
To summarize: here we are getting the data together on a platform that is easy with customer salesforce 360 using inbuilt data connectors we have. We can get that data into the system and we can run our own model creating the objects and having the calculated insights.
The Customer 360 Data Model helps link various data sources and software through APIs, making it easier to work together. This standardization simplifies connections and boosts compatibility across products.
For Example: POS stores the time of sale and marketing cloud stores that same customer using a subscriber key so in this case customer 360 helps solves this by creating standardized data models.
That’s the beauty of this platform: the way we get the data in, the way we model it, and then the way we activate this to empower the delivery of a personalized experience.
CDP is not just centric on the marketing cloud it is more like
Financial Services
Health and Life Science
Customer Goods and retail
Travel & hospitality
Media & Communication
Manufacturing and Automotive
Data connectors:- We can access this using a CDP setup You can connect only one marketing cloud enterprise
You can do configuration using
B2C Commerce
Marketing Cloud
Salesforce CRM
Websites and mobile apps
Ingestion API
Interaction Studio
Google Cloud Storage
External Activation Platform